Want to know how to make healthy pancakes in less than 5 minutes with only 2 ingredients? Look no further than the ‘Banana Pancakes’ recipe you can find below.
I am a huge lover of classic pancakes along with a lot of you I’m sure. My usual go to method is the ‘One Cup Pancakes’ recipe by Jamie Oliver. No scales or measuring jugs needed, simple to follow and it creates the tastiest pancakes, just add your chosen topping and enjoy!
With trying to be a little healthier this year, I have resisted the temptation (most of the time) in cooking my usual calorific pancakes and have been on the look out for a healthier alternative.
My mum has been shouting about banana pancakes for a while now, so thought it was about time I gave them a try…and WOW! I actually can’t believe how tasty they are, along with being so easy to make! Here are the simple steps below so you can all enjoy your own ‘guilt free’ pancakes…
- One Banana
- 2 Eggs
(Optional Extra: A pinch of baking soda to create a fluffier texture)
Just add your chosen topping.
Banana and Blueberries with Peanut Butter
Banana and Strawberries with a side of natural yoghurt and syrup
I buy large bananas so I can keep a few slices of the banana I’m using to one side to use as a topping rather than using another one.
- NutriBullet (or any blender you may have at home)
- A frying pan
Chop one banana and blend together with 2 eggs until smooth to create the pancake mix.
Simply heat a pan to a medium heat with a little coconut oil or butter, then pour in 1 to 2 tablespoons of the mix for each pancake allowing to cook for around a minute each side.
TIP: The smaller the pancakes, the more manageable.
If anyone decides to create their own ‘Banana Pancakes’ be sure to share on Instagram and tag me (@ashleys_edit). I would love to see what you create, and get some different topping inspiration for next time.
Ashley x