Something I have been wearing a lot more of lately is concealer!
My skin is much drier at the moment and I’m finding any foundation I am wearing is not creating the healthy skin finish that I want… so I’m stepping away from foundation and upping my concealer coverage game which is working much better at creating the healthy look I’m after without compromising on an even looking base.
So how do you choose the right concealer?
When it comes to choosing concealer there are 2 key things to consider: Coverage and Texture. Once you decide which is priority to suit your skin needs, it makes finding your perfect concealer a lot easier!
So which is priority for you?
Coverage should be priority for you if:
- You are wanting to cover uneven skin tone/dark circles
- You are wanting a 2 in 1 to use as concealer and foundation
- You want something long wearing that stays in place
Concealers with fuller coverage are going to last longer on the skin, a must for anyone wanting to cover dark circles/spots and anyone wanting a 2 in 1 concealer to double up as a foundation. Be mindful that to create this fuller coverage the consistency is richer and less creamy which can lead to your concealer looking slightly drier on the skin so something to consider if you have drier skin. When using a fuller coverage concealer remember skincare prep is key! You have to ensure your base is hydrated first and for optimum results apply with a brush.
Texture should be priority for you if you:
- You want something that’s low maintenance
- Easy to blend
- You don’t need to cover too much
Concealers with a creamier lightweight texture are perfect for applying on the go or in a rush and are much more finger friendly… no brush required! They need minimal blending time and diffuse into the skin so much softer than a full coverage concealer. The downfall? Due to the creamy consistency they don’t have as much staying power! So although they look great when first applied give it a few hours and they will be almost invisible.
If I’m wearing foundation and I just need my concealer to brighten around my eyes I always opt for lightweight texture as its more forgiving around the eye area and gives a fresher finish.
If I want an all in one to do a bit of everything…. coverage is what I would go for.
Another option to consider is 2 concealers!
One lightweight creamy texture that is lighter than your skin tone to use around the eye area to brighten and lift.
One fuller coverage texture that is in a skin tone correct shade to use instead of foundation giving coverage where you need it without having to use a foundation all over.
What’s your favourite concealer formula? Share below…
Bobbi Brown
great choice! xx