- I’m 31 years of age
- I’m a Northerner from Southport, Merseyside
- I’ve lived in South East London for 5 years
- Currently living in our doer upper home
- I’m an only child
- I’ve worked in the beauty industry for 14 years
- My first brand was Clinique working in Boots Southport
- I left school at 17
- I never went to University
- I’m left handed
- I’m a Pisces
- I’m 5 foot 8
- I’m addicted to cheese! ANY KIND!
- Salt And Vinegar Crisps are my fave. Co-op own brand top all others!
- Spain is my happy place
- I’m not Spanish, from what I know I am full English
- I am the only person in my family without a proper Scouse accent
- The Liverpool accent is my fave and instantly makes me feel at home
- I’m a dog Mum to our little (big) Ray
- I’m engaged
- We met in 2012. Bijou Nightclub in Manchester at 2am.
- We were both born on the 8th of the month.
- We met on the 8th April… spooky!
- 8 is my lucky number
- I love a G&T. No fancy flavours just original with tonic and lots of ice
- My favourite cocktail is an Aperol Spritz
- I’m addicted to Ice Cream. Pralines and Cream is life
- I’m the clumsiest person you probably know
- My first job was an extra on Hollyoaks working in the juice bar
- I burn way too many candles
- I am travel obsessed! “Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer”.
Tell me a fun fact about you? Share below!
Ashley x
Hi I’m Charlene I live in New Jersey in the United States I am also an only child..!! I’m also a Pisces born on March 13th…!!! My favorite cocktail is an Aperol spritz..!! I love dogs I have a Maltese named Gigi…she’s a year and a half. She is my precious baby. I love all cheeses and traveling too. I love candles and make up we have a lot in common Ashley..!!!
Xo Charlene
Ahh Hi Charlene!! Definitely a lot in common. Pisces are the best, along with Aperols, cheese and dogs. haha. Have a great day xx
Hi I’m Jeanette I live in Pensacola Fl, we just moved here but I’m totally missing San Diego CA! I live for cheese and bread! I love to travel, been to London a couple of years ago and I must say I will definitely go back in a heart beat! Thank you for the beautiful content and for always putting a smile on my face!
Jeanette Hall
Hi Jeanette, Great to meet you! Ahh Congrats on the move and hope you are settling in well… I miss my home town a lot too but feel lucky to have 2 locations I call home.. the positive right. San Diego… always on my bucket list. I just love the US. Cheese and Bread is the best haha. Ah thank you for your feedback and so happy you enjoy! Have a great rest of week x